Thursday, May 19, 2011

24 Hour Shopping in Rapture

Fab Five Freddie told me everybody's high
DJ's spinnin' are savin' my mind

I explained the ideal of the rapture to Shea this morning on the way to school. I think perhaps, saying this theory outloud, just makes it sound so preposterous. She looked at me like I was nutso! Anyway, I say to her, like I say about everything, you don't have to believe anything, but its wise to know what other people believe and be respectful of that. But, comeon'... "Hey kiddo, if you are at your Dad's this weekend, and he just disappears, ya know, his clothes are laying there, but his body is gone, welp, he's gone with God." Yes, that is nuts. I did however, enjoy the Kirk Cameron book, Left Behind, a few years back.

I know some pretty God-fearing people, I wonder if they believe this? I wonder if they have put their affairs in order, and are ready to join God in the kingdom of heaven.... Its easy to post the God this and God that quotes on the internet, but where is the line drawn in the believing? What about the people who have fold their homes? Finished their bucket lists? Now, THATS some believing! Kuddos!

Like the "Jesus is Lord" truck that sits down by Sports Arena so all leaving OB on the Ocho can see it, I wonder if that guy has put his final affairs in order.

It is not that I am trying to mock, I am just curious. I have the same spiritual side at the next person, but I don't think I'd max out my credit card, thinking I would not be obligated to pay it back.

I wonder what's getting more press this week, Oprah, Arnold or the Lord?

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