Friday, June 28, 2019

I sit Alone in my Lonely Bed

When the day is done
And I lay me down
This sheet's so cold
And your space is dark
And I hear you whispering something sweet
And it doesn't move me and it knows me

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Just Things You Did


I never spoke "I love you" 'til I cursed you in vain

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Melons are in Season

As I picked up one and the memories flooded back ....

Thursday, June 6, 2019

I Hope There's Tapes

If there was a rewind button for you to review, you would find that I told you over and over and over until I just couldn't repeat and reword and reiterate my thoughts.  Assuming you just blocked it out and that is why you are left with no answers. That is sad for you.  We talked in great lengths about everything, from what I recall. Perhaps you didn't want to hear it, perhaps you you tuned it out, but I know I said it, I was there and so were you.  You poured heart and soul for a year, as I did the 3 years prior. And I did try that final year. I truly did.  Even though you can believe I didn't, I did.  And I also heard every word you said and typed, and it was not met with nothing.

There was sympathy with your loss, I encouraged you to pursue her, if you recall.

Sure do wish there were tapes...

Monday, June 3, 2019

But the New York Skyline

Hindsight, foresight
Sometimes we've got no sight at all
New love, true love
Sometimes we've got no love at all