Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sparks at Beach Cities

 We drove up to Torrance with the Annvills for the Sparks at Beach Cities bout. Its always nice to see refs you have worked with before, especially when they are such characters like Wong Way & met some new ones like Tink R Toys. I don't think I ever want to travel and work if Brawlings is not there, hes the Jasper Hale to derby. He makes everyone calm. :) Bout was at an outdoor rink and I don't think I have ever been so darn cold. It was freezing up there, wish I had skates on.
However, speaking of skates on, that was a different kinda derby that I was watching. I left a little dumbfounded. But, ok. Production was good and loved your vendors and your Jrs are some really nice girls. It be nice for our Jrs. to meet up.  After the bout, someone's aunt gave them stern talking to about sportsmanship and told her that is she ever behaved in such a manner, she get her ass handed to her. Shea character is going to be so strong with all her positive strong role models.
Its so hard to NSO and not show any emotion on your face.

We passed a giant refinery near the rink, and I has Balled Ruler, the Penalty Box boss, what they refined and he told me that it has recently exploded! OMGWTFBBQ!

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Theory of Everything

This was beautiful and perfect. 
All of it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Don't Want the World.......

Amber Aggona and I are getting old
And we still haven't walked in the glow of each other's majestic presence
so, its prolly time.

May 3rd.

Howlin' at the Moon

Woke at an ungodly hour, I'll blame the moonlight.
Good bye winter, t-minus a few days or so.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rodney Anonymous is Totally on My List

There is a list somewhere that says I want to drink beer with Rodney Anonymous.
Of course there is.
He is the man. 

So, we saw the Milkmen back in.. oh hell.. 1997? I was drunk standing outside the Odgen or the Aztlan and Dave Blood goes walking by and I hell "HEY DOOOOODDDD"
And he stumbles over and goes "Whoa.. no one knows my name..."
then signed my shoe. 
RIP Dave Blood

Whenever I say "San Antonio Texas" Rodney screams it back in my head.

This is the worst thing I have ever seen.

But I got my tickets!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cobrastyle... WTFOMGBBQ!

Hell if I know, but I totally love it.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Long Beach Dub Pixies Scrimmage

Long Beach Derby brought their Pixies down for a fun scrimmage. 
Love those tinys!  I think it made our girls fee like amazons.

Highlight was seeing Sailor Jack try and use  a non military/ref voice when calling penaltites.
Try being the word!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

I Wrote This Years Ago, but It's Finished Today

Wildfires at OCRG Pscyho X Girlfriends

San Diego Derby Doll's Wildfires took the win up at OCRG.  
Great bout and even better tacos.
Disco accepted my friend request and has great hair.
 And I finally got he Our Lady of Derby hoodie.


10 Years Maan.

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's, well, broken." - Debi

I look at my calendar, and see my list of whats to do, and in thinking about what I have done.
When you get to talk ten years, has it been all that? Have I lived the past 10 years with gusto?

I have.  Sure, I'm self centered, but wtf, mate. In my world, I'm the only one who can and should effect change, good and/or bad. So, I do.

Make decisions, choose paths and try to choose the best path.

I had the pleasure of sitting with an old friend, and got to rehash my past ten years in a few short hours.  To think of it, I am pretty proud of the choices that I have made. I don't have many regrets, perhaps one regrat. (snark). All in all, I'm living the dream. When I rehash the story, of being a once homeless person, to becoming the fulfilled person I am today, I am so thankful.  I am thankful that I push every day for what I need. 

In derby, you get behind a blocker and you get up on the toestops and just push into them, and you move them, and if they don't budge, you figure out hot to get the fuck around them.  And that is how life is, you see that goal, and you push and twist and turn and figure out how to get the fuck what you want. I no longer have my end game in sight, but I can each and every day as a chance to make it amazing. Every. Damn. Day. Don't. Stop. Won't Stop. All the Win.

everything. allthetime.

Friday, February 20, 2015