Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Can't Keep Up.. ARGH

Yesterday, I swear I wrote 2 papers and studied from the time I dropped Shea off at school until I picked her up. After school, I took her to Capoeira and the John Harvard Academy, then came home and studied, picked her up and we both came home and studied.

We spent the last few hours watching Bowling for Columbine followed by Flashdane and then we were spent.

This morning, dropped the kid off and headed to class, turned in my papers, studied, studied, studied, finally pass chapter 6 in my damn algebra course. Picked up the kid, headed to a the San Diego Mission Acala for a tour and mass. And dropped her off at gymnastics. Walk in the door, I got to figure out when and which channel the Republican debates are on, and I turn on the news, and before the screen EVEN materializes, the voices are saying "more bad news for Point Loma schools..."

FARK! FArk! FarK!

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