Sunday, July 22, 2012

Another Shooting & My Desensitation

I am sitting at my desk, in the front window of my apartment.  The morning marine layer has the sky hazy and my back is turned to the talking box, left on Fox News.  A report is "interviewing" someone up the ladder over in the Aurora police department.  Words spew in the form of questions from the one at the other.  The words are full of connotation, with the underlying meaning of "scare the fuck out of everybody!"  Implications keep getting made that there is another "bad guy" out there, who will kill you.  Bad shit happens, and I just don't understand how new stations froth at the mouth, making it bigger and worse.  Yes, it is bad but shit!

Then the obligatory conversation begins across the land. 
Argument A - Guy has high powered weapons, how are these people able to get assault weapons.  If there were less guns like this, this is less likely to occur.
Argument B - If more people had guns, then guy holder would have shot the bag guy.  (Not taking into consideration that bad guy was wearing Kevlar)

And the postings begin flying back and forth on the social media feeders... as it does...

I am not prone to react much more.  Which it can agreed that my stoic vibe here, is bad.. but .... :(

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