Friday, July 8, 2011

Summer Vacation ~ Day 3 Santa Cruz Beach

Mikee found a nail in my tire, so our trip back to La Jolla was out, and a trip to Santa Cruz beach was in. The plan is to set up the beach, run the car to the tire shop, and head back to the beach while it was getting repaired. Gotta appreciate your local tire guy a few blocks from the beach, eh?
Santa Cruz beach is hit or miss for me, full of street kids or not. We only had one today, and he would walk from his spot, to the water trying to entice beach-goers to jump off the rocks with him, no one would take him up on it, so he would proceed to climb out to the rocks, and entertain the crowd with back flips and crazy jumps off the rocks. All which freaked me out, cuz I am a sissy.
There were also, crazy ladies jumping off the high rocks, into what appeared to me, only a few feet of water, again.. me ~> sissy!
The girls enjoyed for a while, both got nailed by a few waves. While we were enjoying our awesome new umbrella, a Man-o-war or Portuguese jellyfish washed up. We jumped up to go see it, it was dead and flipped upside down, we could see all the tentacles. ACK!

We picked up Stephen King's "It" and The Motorcycle Diaries from the library, hit the grocery store for ingredients for Clea's AWESOME homemade lasagne and headed home.

Later, I took the girls to the Y, Clea did her first belly dancing class, Shea went swimming and I hit the gym for an hour. Shea is lucky, seems whenever she is at the pool, her buddies show up! I was stoked that Clea liked her class, and said she would do it again! We have a Greek restaurant with belly dancers that I should take her too:)

We ate our lasagne, watched it and called it a successful day 3!

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