Monday, August 3, 2015

Banked Track Jam Reffing & Really FAST Jammers

I typically NSO in the Game Executioner spot. I've only really jacked up a few things in that position.
It's been about a year, when home season started last year, and I'd climb on the track and the teams would start whizzing by, a voice in the back of my head would start to ask
....."How the hell do I escape?!"
I could feel a panic attack approaching. It was a bit scary, and I was only the GE.
Unless its the last jam and that last whistle could effect a lead change, chances are I am not pissing off anyone too bad.

The panic button is off now, and I feel like I can GE without much of a second thought.

I want to skate ref, because I like to skate.
However, the chances of fucking that up.. is exponential larger!

I walk in and Erin's like "your skate reffing'

So, I did jam ref once on our flat track and that was .. eh ok...
Not too much fear of being creamed by the pack or a wayward apex jumper.
However, the banked infield is so much tighter with the team benches, penalty boxes and ALL NSO's in it.

The crazy feeling of looking at the jam line and thinking "oh sh*t! its "so n so" be ready to RACE!"
The highest scoring jam was Injie for 20 points. That is 5 laps in 1 minute. Lady is FAST!
The crazier feeling of Boo tapping her hips and she turns her head and slow motion (it seems) and yells directly at me "I"M CALLING IT OFF" and the time lapse from that tap to the whistle takes FOREVER!

I called my first penalty on Anita for a low block, and of COURSE her number wasn't on her arm or shirt, so I'm like "UGH BLUE PIVOT LOW BLOCK UGH" :)

The worst  tho, was my jammer was lead, and she comes flying HIGH in the apex and as she crashes on her knees and takes out a blocker (lowblock) she is calling it off and I swear AT THE SAME TIME the not lead jammer jumps the apex and takes out a blocker (lowblock) and her Jam Ref is yelling LEAD CHANGE while it seemed like I was tweeting. It was a shit storm, obviously it was challenged and I obviously learned alot. and obviously the captain came into the ref room after for further clarification.

Obviously was doing my best. :) That's all I can do.

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