Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Stunning Invitation to Try Again

After 6 months of DPV,  it was time to give the Bootcamp testing a shot.  It consists of stride, posture, skating the track,  sticky feet, 1 footed glides, knee taps, t-stops, plow stops, 4 point falls, small falls, stopping within 10 feet of the track. My biggest hurdle is still the endurance, when I started this adventure, I was winded in like 2 laps.  I am able to push a bit further than that, now, but every practice is still a challenge.  At first it was the shin splits, then the ankle pain, and now were on to back pain.  Rose told me that it was just my muscles building and it will go away.  She is right, that one does, but a knew one surely does show up. :)
I passed on only a few items, but more that I had expected to. So that's encouragement enough.
We get alot of positive reinforcement from coaches.  However, the testing proctor, Mayhem, it a joke person.  I was told that that was why she's got the job.  She will not pass you if you are not ready, for everyone's safety.  I get it.  Even though it kinda sucks to not pass something, I know I'm not ready to even begin to think about level 2. Let alone, it is a pure reflection on how much effort I am putting in.
I know that those damn sticky feet will be my nemesis, so, its my deal to practice, practice, practice and get that nailed.  No one's gonna do it for me.

Effort, I need to give more.

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