Friday, May 20, 2011

Some New Rockin' Tunes & One Major Embarassment

I got three new CDs and a new record this week! My new record is a 2$ guilty pleasure of pure embarrassment from Olivia Newton John and brings me back to like 2nd grade. Ssshh!

I was listening to the radio the other day, and this jam came on, and I was like "oh shit! That dude can WAIL!" and looked up this video to find this homely little white girl, all silly awkwardly awesome, doing that wailing in what appears to be a bookstore, Shea contends that it is a library, but either which way, this girlie is RAD!

My tune for kickin into the summer is 'Lets Go Surfing' by The Drums

And finally, Foster the People

So, in two weeks is the 94.9 Coastal Invasion! I am so stoked to see the Cold War Kids and Band of Skulls! Diggit. Or, I'll sell my tickets for big bucks and buy furniture.... That would be showing my age.!

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