Friday, May 20, 2011

The Family Tree Perspective ~ the eldest branch

When I think of my family, my family heritage & roots, etc I picture the typical family tree picture, then I picture my branch fallen on the ground, wilted and a little sad. There would be a frowny face on it. Yes, depressing.

So, here goes. Stanley and Martha Nagel had 5 daughters. Right? Simple place to start. They lived in Cincinnati and my earliest memories are of my gf's Melinda's kitchen table, its that 50's style metal table. Grandma had one. And that stool, that was metal and the bottom pulled out for a little ladder. I remember their basement with large leather furniture, I remember the smell of that furniture. There were toys in that basement, and there was a big laundry room, with a mop sink I think. I think it was a split level house. I cannot imagine having 5 daughters, I can't imagine what stress my Grandpa went through. I know that Grandpa was a Navy guy, and owned a race horse. He named it Five Sisters. All the sisters had different colored eyes.

Linda was the eldest. Linda had 3 daughters all together. The older two, had a different last name, Herzner, Lisa & Teresa. I guess she married Don after that, they had Angie and became Perrys. When I was young, I never knew why the older two had different last names. Poor Grandpa, 5 daughters and now 3 granddaughters.

Teresa came to live with us when she was 16. It was like having an older sister, I guess. They had a big house, on a hill in Cincinnati, if memory serves. There was a train trestle, and when I think about it, Welcome Back Kotter comes to mind as well. Also, does Stevie Wonder. I remember going back to Cincinnati to visit them in 1st grade. Mom had cut all my hair off, due to me neglecting to take care of it. I cried, I looked like a boy, she pierced my ears, now I was a girlie boy. :)

Lisa has a daughter named Brittney, whom I have recently made contact with via FB. She still is in Cincinnati, and recently told me she has not seen the beach. She has 3 children of her own, and from what it sounds like, a boy who loves her. Lisa lives down the street from her. I have not seen them in 20 years.
Teresa has a daughter named Krista. I remember Teresa's handwriting,
I always admired it, and I remember the way she wrote the "K" in Krista's name. From what I know, no one has talked with them. A fondest memory of mine, is a trip I took to Cinci, and we stayed at Teresa's house with her husband Mark, and Krista. When I think about Mark, I only see the main character from Sweet Home Alabama that was married to Reese Whitherspoon. Funny, how you can't remember someones face, and you substitute. They had a huge backyard, on Kemper street, it was really hot and there were fireflies. I listened to alot of REM. I wanted to move there, but didn't due to my relationship at the time. I often think of what would have become to me, had I moved there. Theresa and I were as close as an 8 year old and a 16 year old could be!

Angie, the youngest lives in Indiana and has some kids of her own. I really don't know much. It is not from lack of asking, I do.
So, Linda and Don lived in Houston, much of my life, I have spoken with Don via FB, also. I think he may have Cancer and they have moved to Indiana.

I would love to regain my family ties with them, I will definitely make it a point to go and visit them. I had a plan up my sleeve, as I often do, they are called "Amber's Wacky Adventures" and fly back east and rent a car and just do a huge tour, visit as much of my past as possible, and take a glimpse of Mikee's in Erie.
There are many people to re-meet, or to branch out my tree.

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