Saturday, October 3, 2015

Picking Teen Battles

One of the biggest issues we have is old vs newer Arctic Monkeys.
She is almost 15 and I am a old fucking know it all.
I bark, "I was into the Arctic Monkeys when you were learning your ABC's"
I relay the story of how her Dad n I saw the Arctic Monkeys to celebrate our divorce,
and it is still one of my fondest memories of our marriage.
Celebrating out divorce.
No matter how pissy I am that the old is way cooler....
One of my favorite past times, is that drive to the dollhouse,
when we are flying up the Pacific Coast Highway to the 5,
and it is clear and beautiful outside,
and the windows are down and the sunroof lets in all the air,
and the radio blares
and we scream the lyrics together...

So laugh and joke around
Remember cuddles in the kitchen
Yeah, to get things off the ground
And it was up, up and away
Still it's right hard to remember
That on a day like today when you're all argumentative
And you've got the face on

and I count myself lucky


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