Sunday, May 10, 2015


The drive to AZ is getting easier, this is the 2nd time in 6 weeks I have done the trek.
Its all ordered in my head and seems to make it go quicker.
SD, In-Ko-Pah, El Centro, Yuma, Dateland, Gila Bend, PHX. I made both directions in the time frame. Which included getting pulled over in Gila Bend and having a sit down lunch on the way back at the Space Age Cafe. Yay. Tourists! It was around 10pm on Friday night, and we were driving thru Gila Bend after a gas station stop, and I was pulled over for doing 48 in a 35. Its no excuse, but there was no one else on the road and I honestly didn't see a speed limit sign.  However, the officer was pleasant and I was honestly apologetic for speeding in his little town.  We said we were going to derby, and he said his wife played derby and gave me a warning and directions to PHX and told us to have a nice safe evening. :)

We were lucky it didn't get over 80 degrees, so lucky!
PHX is the largest, slowest grid to get around. ARGH.
The 202 will never be completed.
I got to see my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Steve that I hadn't seen in 8 years.
Sharon drove us out around the desert in her Polaris.
The tacos stand at 45th and McDowell had yummy al pastor.
The Jrs won the bout against the Minor Assaults.
Shea took a hefty fall on her head and got concussed
I didn't get bed bug bites at the cheap hotel.
There were TWO cherry lime-ade's consumed.
PHX streets are smoooooooth.
I chatted with a girl who had Tupac/Biggie socks.
We gotta ride with Nova and gotta help NSO at the AZRD scrimmage.
Finally got an AZRD tank top.
And Shea's favorite part of the weekend was Hartlyn did her bout braid. :)
We beat the sun home!

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