Even this close to midnight on a Thursday, I can roll a block to buy a 6 pack, passing the Navy guys at the bar, freely talking like its the first time they've been able to in months, it is. Passing the Nazarene kids wildly eating burritos as if it were a sin. Strolling past my Schnizel, always playing the best tunes, tonight, it being Dead or Alive, and on to my 711, ran by Ethiopians. Sometimes, I am loose at tongue, and speak my three words in Farsi, sometimes I use my King's English, pleases and thank you's.... I prefer my Farsi.
Honestly, I am not sure if they take it as me trying to learn something about there culture, or if I come across rude.
My 711, my taco shops, my neighborhood is usually full of servicemen, Navy and Marines. When they are in uniform, Shea is taken aback. I tell her to listen, to them. As their words are respectful.
One day, we were in Hectors, for breakfast burritos. Three servicemen walked in, and an older civilian man asked them if they were off the ship that just came in. The serviceman delivered his answer to the older civilian man beginning his reply with "sir". Well, actually, "no sir".. but still "sir".
I asked Shea if she noticed.
Each week my neighborhood prolly has more crime, than the average Midwestern town.
But, when you choose your home, and you choose a place for your kids to be raised in, I am content with my choice. The rich history of the Navy and Portuguese fishing industry juxtaposed with the free and wild beach community on the other side of the hill, I think all of us who live here, and thrilled with our choice to choose this peninsula as our home.
If you have a plan to motor west.. and you travel my way..
please come by, I'd love to show you around, my home, the peninsula of
Point Loma & Ocean Beach.
With that, I am so excited to have half of Mikee's family traveling in this weekend AND CLEABEAN!!!!!
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