I didn't get on that band wagon until Frank started putting out records with the Mescaleros. Then I went balls deep. Trompe le Monde blew me the F away, and Frank became my hero for a good chunk of a decade.
But the funny part is, in their heyday, and my teens, I just couldn't dig it. Perhaps, I was just too hardcore, she says facetiously.
Same story, different decades. I have never been a Neil Young fan. Yes, it is understood where he sits in the pantheon of music worship, and have always been again, balls deep into Stephen Stills, but nope, no Neil for me. A southern man don't need him around any how.
BUT HOLY FUCK BATMAN. I cannot get this out of my head, I drive with it blaring on repeat. I may have to come forth and admit my Neil Young fandom.
Old enough now to change your name
When so many love you is it the same?
It's the woman in you That makes you want to play this game