Friday, May 20, 2016

B Sides with The Cure

Cherry took me to see the Cure.. and it was bizarre! Wonderful Date, bizarre show. Of course , we left during The Walk.. argh :(

1.      Intro
a.      Open
b.      High
c.      Pictures of You
d.      Closedown
e.      This Twilight Garden
f.       A Night Like This
g.      All I Want
h.      Push
i.       Jupiter Crash
j.       Last Dance
k.      Lullaby
l.       The End of the World
m.    Lovesong
n.      Fascination Street
o.     The Hungry Ghost
p.      From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
2.      Encore:
a.      It Can Never Be the Same
3.      Encore 2:
a.      At Night
b.      M
c.      A Forest
4.      Encore 3:
a.      Step Into the Light
b.      Us or Them
c.      Burn
d.      Wrong Number
5.      Encore 4:
a.      The Walk
b.      The Exploding Boy
c.      In Between Days
d.      Doing the Unstuck
e.      Friday I'm in Love
f.       Just Like Heaven
                 g.     Boys Don't Cry

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday the 13th

Black Anvil Tattoo out on Adams has a great special. They put up 20 or so pieces of flash that each had a corresponding number a wheel, half were good, half were "questionable" and you spun for $20.00. What you landed on, you got.
All funds went to the Surfrider Foundation.
Let the halarity ensue...

I was lucky..

As was Dicks

Thursday, May 12, 2016


You're always up to some crazy plan, you always set these high expectations, these wacky adventures. I hear them say.

If I can accomplish 25% of the crap I dream up, that will be 25% more than the average life accepted by way too many.  If the calendar says 4 things I want to do today, and I only do 1 of them, that is better than having nothing on my calendar at all.

My kind if idealism...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Damn You Hallmark Holidays

Truly hate Mother's Day... Here kids, lets set up some failure.. if you don't get it perfect, you're an ass.
So, I fixed it.  Put on the spin.

Mother's day is the day you air your grievances to your mom. Yes, like in Seinfeld. A day to tell Mom everything she did to piss you off over the year, to get it off your chest. And mom has the chance to listen and make right.

My eldest called early and said "I've been waiting for today to tell you this, are you sure it won't hurt your feelings?"
"No, lets hear it, lets face it, lets clear the air"
She goes on to say that after I moved to California, her dad use to watch the "O.C."
(which is hilarious in itself)
However, she continues say that when the theme song played, it made her sad.
( I also assume anger was there also....)

It gave me the chance to face what my actions did to her, and to take responsibility and to apologize.
To take hurt and try to heal. It was exactly what I think Mother's Day should be.

Honesty is key and this is the hardest job and most easily to fuck up.. and with dire consequences...

My BF and youngest too me to play disc golf for the rest of day, and it was lovely.