A year a go, 2 laps of sticky feet was never going to happen, flat, and hell no, banked.
10 months ago, rail kicks sure did look pretty, done by someone ELSE.
8 months ago, a double footed jump over the bag on the apex was a load of crap.
6 months ago, 25 in 5 was a joke.
And all that self doubt, was met with boot camping like a mutha, running on my lunch break at work, daily planks, a metric shit ton of squats and a league of support.
Never a side glance of doubt, my encouragement cup runneth over.
And on my 14 month of boot camp, a week after my 41st birthday, I retook the whole level 2 skills.. again.. by Mayhem.
Last skills to pass, was the fucking time trials, on the banked.
Of course it just so happened, league was waiting for us to clear the track for them, so they watched.
Never being so nervous, I could feel their supportive eyes, and hear the cheers and the yells of "get lower!", "keep your stride", "PUSH!"
I hit 26, even passing 3 of my bootcamp friends.
What I am taking here, is that we're never too old, were never too out of shape, to start again.
Now, its time for the real work to start.