Saturday, August 31, 2013

Head back to Colo Colo Colo.. Rado

Got my flight, got my ride... hope there is no snow... or I'm screwed! :)

Big Girl Pants in My Big Girl Car

I haven't met many people with driving issues like mine.  Got my license before I was 16 and lost by 17.  I didn't' get that f*cker back until, ... well.. it took some time.  During that time, I walked and bused everywhere.  It was my cross, my burden.  And I thought deeply everytime I sat in the rain waiting for a bus, every time I had to take the trolley to La Mesa to pay my rent, carrying groceries on my bike.  I did not take it lightly.  But I paid my penance and the day I went to the DMV and was able to be a grown up again back reflects in my face on the card.  Its pretty funny.  The next step, was to get on my big girl pants and take out a loan on a car.  My first big girl car.  Well, with that back story laid, I just checked in and it seems I have 5 payments left on my first loan to own my first big girl car.  Its tough to start out in life, digging your self out of a whole you put your self in, but you come out dirty and full of lessons learned.  And to know that I paid for it myself, with tools that I put myself to school to learn, it sweet.  I didn't have anyone give it to me or pay for it for me.  Dues are sweeter from your own sweat and toil. eh?  I am happy to report, that since I have had my license back, I have only gotten 2 speeding tickets... in Nebraska. :)

The Grinding Fall Grinds

And we're all back to starting this year.  This 7th grade/12th grade/ Sophomore year.  I am getting failing marks with keeping up on my "me" time and high marks on keeping up with everyone else. Always shooting for that perfect balance.  Tell me, why is it when you make the most money you have none?  :(  Work is good, I leave feeling competent and useful.  School is good, my professor is the most adorable old man, makes me wish I had a grandpa around to help me with my algebra.  I have a feeling a just might pass this time!  Mikee works too much.  The elder is on a path for amazing success in the right direction, its gonna leave me scrambling to pull the funds together, but so damn worth it.  The younger is back to all the afterschool activities that I let her drop out of last year.

Goals are to read more classics, see more classics, listen to more music and dance sometimes.  See my friends that I love more, and try to enjoy this amazement I made for myself.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dude.. No Way

I wrote down today, all the artists that aired in my earbuds, to pull records and actively look for some new times...  and I come across this .... how cool is this guy??

Wartime Lovers

I analyze so much during they day, however today, over my earbuds came this tune I could not get out of my head....