Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years 2013

All there is to do, is stay home, make appetizers, drink and watch the ball drop.  We  dug through the shoebox of schwag and look though most of 2013's pictures.  It truly was a great year, I have never ever been so thankful. Grant & Shea got us the Big Bang Theory board game and Shea held her own pretty good :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 FTW!

Finally, I have knocked off college algebra on my 43things.com. All the credit goes to the professor, Mr. Lancaster, who finally, after all these years helped me to pass this sucker.  I think 2.5 years, equally of 5 wasted semesters is enough, time to put this to bed.  A phrase I heard recently.  "Put this to bed"... I am ready to put this remarkable year to bed.  And it has been, I am looking forward to New Year's Eve, we are going to go through the box of schwag, all the ticket stubs I have collected this year and look through all this years pictures and think about all the good (and bad) that is 2013. 

I am so excited, I'm flying out on Friday night to head back to Colorado.  This time, to bring her to the student housing place.  Talk about living vicariously! I am so proud, like so proud that when I think about these milestones, these accomplishments she is achieving, it literally brings tears to my eyes.

Making 2013 even sweeter!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Stroke Argument

I'm driving home. Its Billy Squire, wait, its not.. wait what?
First reaction.............I hope Billy Squire is getting his cut.
Second reaction.......................  I hope the Beastie Boys are .. wait!
Damn Rick Rubin, that is some smart shit! 
You are getting paid for royalties on yourself!
You are one smart biker looking SOB.
yeah.. you always have been.
<3 br="">

Saturday, November 23, 2013

There's a Few Places Round...

Crossroads.. same they come and go.........

Garland Jeffreys

as a kid.. I remember him from Brooklyn. Garland Jeffreys.  The album cover, the whoe 9 yards.  The impact of the record on my folks. They would play the record, and as they danced my soul was given the new album...3

The records were always so good.... 

Springsteen! Rosalita!

2013 has been the best year of my life....

Really Bruce.. Your're Killing Me Here..

Brazilian Winds..

Many nights.... in my childhood closed with this..yet, I remember the whole record with regard...

Why I hate the Eagles .. Joe Walsh is the shit!


That song went into this song.. and it rocked!

My Key Record of 2013 ... The Crystal Fighters

My commute was 22 miles each way and it go me through it..

Polica... dark star..

Thursday, November 21, 2013

No Thanks-ging

Enjoying this holiday is a no-can-do.  This year, no different.  Next year, I am going to Mexico, I am going to eat lobster and drink Tecate and that is that.  Christmas, is about the same.  You can take these holidays and shove them.  The force I feel from each direction to be merry, spend money, and this is the time for all the thanks...  ugh..

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Nates Butt Farm

Our 2nd annual trip to the Butt Farm for a Big Mac pumpkin!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Damn YOU Orionids!

We rushed out out Ocotillo and headed north while the giant full moon rose over the Imperial Valley desert.  I was almost a little worried that we were not going to find the Aqua Caliente campground, and its always a little worrisome to pitch camp in the dark.  It was relieving to find a great camp site in the middle of vast sand.  We have gotten our system of setting up camp down pat and in no time we were camping! The full moon rose and we didn't have much use for flashlights.  It was perfect weather too, not too hot, not too cold!  However the damn meteor shower never happened. Guess we will just try again..

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Priscilla Queen of the Dessert

I was drinking coffee reading the Sunday paper one morning, when there was a huge full page ad for Book of Mormon! This hasn't been to San Diego and I have never been to Broadway! I quickly grabbed the website to see how much tickets were gonna set me back.  It was a surprise to see that they do layaway.  Now I have tickets to 6 shows, and Christie and I went to Priscilla Queen of the Dessert. Wow! I was so impressed by the magnificent  theatre in all the red draping and crystal chandeliers and a lounge on every floor! I  cannot wait to see Evita in a month!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Took a drive down to Tecate for lunch.  There was no wait at the border in either direction.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

People to People Program

The People to People program was started by Eisenhower. I learned that at the presentation Shea and I went to at USD.  What a beautiful school!  The program sends middle and high school kids around the world and we are looking into sending her next year.  Imagine the difference in your life, having been to Europe or China or Australia before 18...

Friday, October 11, 2013

In Muscle Shoals, They Got the Swampers

Mikee and I went to the Indie theatre in Hillcrest to see this documentary about Muscle Shoals.  
For all I know music and the music industry, I learned alot!  This music history is such a passion for me.  This guy tho, the founder had the worst luck ever and Keith Richards has some jacked up knuckles!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Back to Colorado

We did it! I am so excited for her! She is enrolled in not one but 2 colleges to get her start.  This kid has so much tenacity and I am in such awe. Her future is so bright and she has so much to offer this world.
As always, its a weird trip to venture back.  The flood did some powerful damage. I ran into a few old co-workers and saw the family.  But the best was just kicking it with her in Denver.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Land of Fruits & Nuts!

This is from the Huffington Post 
I found it rather fantastic!...

New Rule: Conservatives who love to brag about American exceptionalism must come here to California, and see it in person. And then they should be afraid -- very afraid. Because while the rest of the country is beset by stories of right-wing takeovers in places like North Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin, California is going in the opposite direction and creating the kind of modern, liberal nation the country as a whole can only dream about. And not only can't the rest of the country stop us -- we're going to drag you along with us.
It wasn't that long ago that pundits were calling California a failed state and saying it was ungovernable. But in 2010, when other states were busy electing whatever Tea Partier claimed to hate government the most, we elected a guy who actually liked it, Jerry Brown.
Since then, everything Republicans say can't or won't work -- gun control, immigration reform, high-speed rail -- California is making work. And everything conservatives claim will unravel the fabric of our society -- universal healthcare, higher taxes on the rich, gay marriage, medical marijuana -- has only made California stronger. And all we had to do to accomplish that was vote out every single Republican. Without a Republican governor and without a legislature being cock-blocked by Republicans, a $27 billion deficit was turned into a surplus, continuing the proud American tradition of Republicans blowing a huge hole in the budget and then Democrats coming in and cleaning it up.
How was Governor Moonbeam able to do this? It's amazing, really. We did something economists call cutting spending AND raising taxes. I know, it sounds like some crazy science fiction story, but you see, here in California, we're not just gluten-free and soy-free and peanut-free, we're Tea Party free! Virginia could do it, too, but they're too busy forcing ultrasounds on women who want abortions. Texas could, but they don't because they're too busy putting Jesus in the science textbooks. Meanwhile their state is so broke they want to replace paved roads with gravel. I thought we had this road-paving thing licked in the 1930s, but not in Texas. But hey, in Dallas you can carry a rifle into a Chuck E. Cheese, cause that's freedom. Which is great, but it wasn't so great when that unregulated fertilizer plant in Waco blew up. In California, when things blow up, it's because we're making a Jason Statham movie.
California isn't perfect, but it is in our nature from being on the new coast to be up for trying new things -- and maybe that's why the right wingers are always hoping we fail. On the campaign trail last year, Mitt Romney warned that if we didn't follow his conservative path, "America is going to become like Greece, or... Spain, or Italy, or... California." And that was a big laugh line with Mormons, because Greece, Spain and Italy have some art and poetry and theatre, but nothing like Salt Lake City. Yes, Mitt sure hates California, which is why he moved to San Diego. To the house with the car elevator.
What conservatives fear about California being a petri dish for the liberal agenda is well-founded. For example, as Obamacare gets implemented here much more successfully than predicted, the movement to just go all the way to a single payer system is gathering steam. It actually passed the legislature twice, but was vetoed by Schwarzenegger, who argued it didn't go far enough to cover the children of that natural, beautiful love between a man and a cleaning lady.
In lots of areas, California seems to have decided not to wait around for the knuckle-draggers and the selfish libertarian states to get on board. They can mock "European style democracies" all they want, we are building one here, and people like it -- the same way when Americans come back from a vacation in Europe they all say the same thing: "Wow, you can see titties on the beach!" But they also remark on the clean air, the modern, first world infrastructure, the functioning social safety net, and bread that doesn't taste like powdered glue. And they wonder, "Why can't we get that here?" Unless they're Republicans, in which case they wonder, "How can people live like that?"

Well, swallow hard, guys, because California is eventually going to make all Americans live like that. Why? Because we're huge. The 12th largest economy in the world, the fifth largest agricultural exporter in the world, and of course number one in laser vaginal rejuvenation. There's 40 million of us -- so, for example, when California set a high mileage standard for any car sold in this state, Detroit had to make more fuel-efficient cars; we're just too big a slice of the market, and it would be too expensive to make one car for us, and another for shit-kickers who want something that runs on coal.
It's so ironic -- the two things conservatives love the most, the free market and states rights -- are the two things that are going to bend this country into California's image as a socialist fagtopia. Maybe our constipated Congress can't pass gun control laws, but we just did. Lots of 'em. Because we don't give a shit about the NRA. Out here that stands for "Nuts, Racists, and Assholes." So while the rest of America is debating whether it's a good idea to allow guns in bars or a great idea to allow guns in bars, California is about to ban lead bullets. Which is a no-brainer, because bullets don't need lead, and lead kills birds and gets into the food supply of people who hunt their own food. Which explains why Ted Nugent is such a raving lunatic.
While other state governments are working with Jesus to make abortion more miserable -- because otherwise women would use it for weight loss -- California is making it easier. We actually have a guy dancing on the street corner dressed as the Statue of Liberty spinning a big arrow that says, "Abortions!" And a new law will even let nurse practitioners perform abortions. And dog groomers can aid assisted suicides by Skype.
California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana, our minimum wage is almost three dollars higher than the national rate, and in 10 years a third of our electricity will come from renewable energy and 15 percent of our cars will be electric.
And while Republicans in the rest of the country are threatening to deport every immigrant not named Ted Cruz, California just OK'd driver's licenses for undocumented aliens. That's right, we're letting them drive cars -- just like white people! You Red Staters may ask, "How come they're lettin' Meskins drive?" Well, it's because they have to get to their jobs. You see, here in California we're embracing the modern world -- we can't be worrying about all the nonsense that keeps Fox News viewers up at night when they should be in bed adjusting their sleep apnea mask. Our state motto is, "We're Too Busy for Your Bullshit."

The bottom line is that we are moving the country's largest economy into a place where we can all be health-insured, clean air-breathin', gay-married, immigrant-friendly citizens who don't get shot all the time. And my message to the rest of America is: do not resist. Kneel before Zod! California has been setting the trends in America for decades, from Silicon Valley to silicone tits, and it's not going to stop now. We say jump -- you say, "Please sell me new exercise clothes for jumping." We said put cilantro in food, and dammit, you did, you put cilantro in food, even though neither one of us knows what it is. Almond milk? We just had some extra almonds and thought we'd fuck with you. The enormous earlobe hole? You're welcome. We also invented the genius bar, where the kid with the enormous earlobe hole takes your MacBook in the back and fills it with animal pornography.

**Thanks Bill Maher!**

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Society of Women Engineers

I drug Shea to the Girl Day Out event hosted by the Society of Women Engineers.  We saw live demo's, heard a speech by a Navy Air Force commander, whom I noted was only 3 years older that me, who flew helicopters and a lady from Brazil who held a PhD in Construction Engineering.  The speeches were so inspiring to these young girls.  At the end of the day, Shea may be considering a new direction and we also found a home for our turtles!

She was able to sit in her first university classroom!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Way Way Back

We enjoyed lunch at Mama Testas.. I love that place. Unique little spot on University in Hillcrest.
They have Lucho Libra action figures and rings to play with on each table and like 10 different salsa to try.  Date night brought us to the Lakeshore Learning Center.  How do you know you're old? When date night is browsing the teacher's store and seeing a movie.  My movie pick was The Way Way Back and it was brilliant! I laughed, I cried and left on a high.  That was well worth the $20!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Kitsune Session 2

Meg got alot of work in in 2 hours. 2 hours is about all I can sit for.. I am such a baby..
I am so excited, however to have such a friendly, interesting artist.  I have had over 14 different tattoo artists.. and most I cannot stand to list to blather on and on while I wince in pain.  This lady is so different..she shares stories of travel and adventure that give me such inspiration!  She rides bicycles cross country!  How damn cool is that?  She added two more places to see to my list, Glacier National Park and haunted Panama Hotel and Tea Room in Seattle!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Awww Minions @ Americana!

The Santee Drive In claims its space in time, and holds tight, Americana at its best! We saw Despicable Me 2, not seeing the 1st, cuz I am not too into cartoons, I'll say, I'll laughed my head off and fell head over heels in love with those minions!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Not Just Another Drop in the Ocean

Loveland has been getting flooded, like the storm of the century flooded.  I sat at work yesterdy thinking about 1988 when we use to drive up around Glen Haven, Estes, Masonville listening to Music for the Masses. 

Spent my work day listening to the Depeche Mode channel, oh the late 80s, as Loveland is swept away..

Conquering myself
Until I see another hurdle approaching
Say we can, say we will
Not just another drop in the ocean

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dream a Little Dream of Snape

.Last night I drempt I was on a trip with 4 connecting flights, the first 2 crashed and we all survived. The 3rd was leaving some city going to DC and Alan Rickman was flying it, and after a crappy take off, I went up to him and said you are my favorite actor and gave him a sweet tender innocent kiss on the lips, to which he replied "mine too". He then proceeded to drive the plan all the way to DC on the ground.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Head back to Colo Colo Colo.. Rado

Got my flight, got my ride... hope there is no snow... or I'm screwed! :)

Big Girl Pants in My Big Girl Car

I haven't met many people with driving issues like mine.  Got my license before I was 16 and lost by 17.  I didn't' get that f*cker back until, ... well.. it took some time.  During that time, I walked and bused everywhere.  It was my cross, my burden.  And I thought deeply everytime I sat in the rain waiting for a bus, every time I had to take the trolley to La Mesa to pay my rent, carrying groceries on my bike.  I did not take it lightly.  But I paid my penance and the day I went to the DMV and was able to be a grown up again back reflects in my face on the card.  Its pretty funny.  The next step, was to get on my big girl pants and take out a loan on a car.  My first big girl car.  Well, with that back story laid, I just checked in and it seems I have 5 payments left on my first loan to own my first big girl car.  Its tough to start out in life, digging your self out of a whole you put your self in, but you come out dirty and full of lessons learned.  And to know that I paid for it myself, with tools that I put myself to school to learn, it sweet.  I didn't have anyone give it to me or pay for it for me.  Dues are sweeter from your own sweat and toil. eh?  I am happy to report, that since I have had my license back, I have only gotten 2 speeding tickets... in Nebraska. :)

The Grinding Fall Grinds

And we're all back to starting this year.  This 7th grade/12th grade/ Sophomore year.  I am getting failing marks with keeping up on my "me" time and high marks on keeping up with everyone else. Always shooting for that perfect balance.  Tell me, why is it when you make the most money you have none?  :(  Work is good, I leave feeling competent and useful.  School is good, my professor is the most adorable old man, makes me wish I had a grandpa around to help me with my algebra.  I have a feeling a just might pass this time!  Mikee works too much.  The elder is on a path for amazing success in the right direction, its gonna leave me scrambling to pull the funds together, but so damn worth it.  The younger is back to all the afterschool activities that I let her drop out of last year.

Goals are to read more classics, see more classics, listen to more music and dance sometimes.  See my friends that I love more, and try to enjoy this amazement I made for myself.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dude.. No Way

I wrote down today, all the artists that aired in my earbuds, to pull records and actively look for some new times...  and I come across this .... how cool is this guy??

Wartime Lovers

I analyze so much during they day, however today, over my earbuds came this tune I could not get out of my head....

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rosie, Jump a Little Higher

I drove across New Jersey.  I walked into the Hotel Pier 4, got on an elevator with two Jersey gals, they made my day.  Prolly the way a person feels, who's never been to CA and on their arrival, they hear a surfer and he sounds like Turtle or Brody.  I walked out back to the pool, there was a waterfront bar, and all were partying, and The Boss was playing loud.  It was that moment, and I've  had Bruce on my mind, since.

Windows are for cheaters chimneys for the poor
Closets are for hangers winners use the door

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hello Brooklyn!

 Brooklyn Bridge
 Basketball Hoop

 3 Tier Road