Friday, October 31, 2008


In my opinion, I don't care if you are rich/poor, black/white/ republican/democrat
left/right, if you trespass onto someone's property, to for whatever reason, they have
every right to shock your dumb ass!

Boy shocked after man powers up campaign sign

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) - Shawn Turschak of Chapel Hill was tired of someone stealing McCain-Palin campaign signs from his yard. Turschak, with a degree in electrical engineering, hooked up a third sign to a power source for an electric pet fence Monday and also put up a surveillance camera.

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that a 9-year-old boy with an Obama-Biden sign grabbed the McCain-Palin sign and got a jolt on Tuesday.

The boy's father, Andrew Noble, upset that his son had been shocked, showed up at Turschak's door. Soon an Orange County sheriff's deputy also showed up at the Turschak's home.

Noble said his son just wanted to see how the sign was put together. Turschak said the boy intended to swap out the signs.

Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass said he doesn't plan to file charges.

The boys is lucky he didn't' get shot!

Dreams from My Father

I have had my head buried in Obama's first book, it is captivating.

His ideology is beautiful. It is honest and human. He highlights his
weakness, and when I take my nose out of this book, things look a little

Then I watch a little news, then I read from different perspectives
on the net. And its shameful.

I hear many charges against Obama.
I hear some of the most shockingly ignorant things come out of peoples mouths.

I stand dumbfounded.

I am glad that I am older and more passive, per se. And by that, I mean,
when I was in my early 20's, I voiced my opinion everywhere I could, solicited or
not. Today, in my 30's I would not only NOT waste my time sharing my opinion
in most circumstances, but I rarely get blazing mad. The election of 92, I'd get
into heated debates with the wacky Vietnam vet dishwasher guy that I worked with.

I see peoples argument, and I see some alot of bullshit with goes hand in hand with
utter laziness.

Argument #1
Who is this Obama? We don't know him!

Well, perhaps, a visit to the library, you could check out a book, that he wrote HIMSELF

Its free!

Look there! A book called :
Barack Obama in His Own Words
Barack Obama: What He Believes In - From His Own Works

Makes me a curious, if you were hungry,
and you had to read a book for a bag of groceries to eat,
would you stand on the street and whine about how hungry you were?

my personal ideology has been being looked at critically lately because
I am guiding a 7 year old. I am shaping her mind into a way that will
help her be able to look at her own views

Always question. Always research.

It is easy enough for her to feel whats going on around her, and be in
the ya/nay way.

"Yay, Obama! Nay McCain"

However, I question her. I ask her why she thinks that way, and of course
she is mimicking me in her own 2nd grade way, but I am trying to instill
into her, that I am not cheering. I am listening, reading, thinking, and forming
my OWN opinion. To which she will need to do the same.

I was crawling into bed around 9 last night. I can't believe I have a 9pm
bed time! But, I have my ritual, which consists of opening the window,
putting the fan on high, and seeing how much TV I can stuff into my head.

As much as everyone knows how bad TV is for you, I love to flip through
channels. I love to watch the difference between FoxNews and the rest.
Last night, I saw the most utterly ridiculous thing on Hannity n Colmes.

Keeping us in the dark?

You have the power because you are a citizen?

Higher taxes and less freedom?

The media is HIDING info
it is dangerous for the constitution?

Does this guy KNOW what socialism is?

A tape with 'alot' of information?

I smell horse shit!

I need to find the transcript of this.

Tito needs to read a book, Here is what the Onions thinks!

I am just ranting now, I need to work on some homework,
and by the way...

*Psst! Tito, the GOP really don't like peeps like you!
You are being played, a patsy! Hope they are making it worth
your while!.. .Sucker

Who do you know that makes OVER $250,000?

Ya, no one I know.

So, who are these people crying?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ex List Axed

Just Monday night, it was foggy, so we packed up and went for a walk out on the pier.
On our way back, we stopped at the corner in front of Nati's and watched them film
a scene from the Ex List. It was pretty damned boring.


I Like a Porno

El Profesor Jimenez... Argh!

In Espanol yesterday, the professor changed the next exam date.
He changed it to November 4th. I did mention it a MONTH ago, that
I will not be in that day, due to the fact that I am a Precinct Inspector
for the Registrar of Voters, a day that starts at around 9 the night before
for setting up all the booths and tables. The starts again at 5am that
morning, and will keep my at my post at least until 10. The younger
my workers get, the faster we get done.

It was so painful watching poor 80 year old volunteer ladies count
ballots by hand.

So, I say at the beginning of class
"When would be a good time to talk to you about rescheduling the exam?"

He gives me this look.
& says

"Do 'I' reschedule exams?" (rhetorically)

"Oh really, because if you will not let me reschedule, then I
will have to walk out of class right now, if I miss this, I will
ultimately fail the class"

He gives and we agree on another time.

But, that whole scene was uncomfortable.

Speaking of, I wonder what is the difference, like where
does the fork happen between those people who are confrontational
and those who are not...

Confrontation typically make me "ugh".. I get nervous,
my heart pressure goes up, my temp goes up.

Yet, some people thrive off that shit. I use to be friends with this
woman, who couldn't go an hour without yelling at someone, her kid,
her dog, the neighbor .. a stranger.

Needless to say, I am no longer friends with her.
She sees me here and there, and I am polite, and she still looks at me
like, why don't you wanna hang out? And I think to myself, you were
soooo volotile, I still have a headache. I prefer to people, who are give
the benefit of the doubt, who see the silver lining, who are generous.

But sometimes you must confront, I wonder if there is a class to take.
'How to confront and be confronted without shitting yourself?"

Speaking of... classes, not shitting myself, I enroll for Spring soon

1: Buse Com 119
2: Buse 155
3: Anth 109
4: Math Lab : 96
5: Buse Law 140

Another 15 Units...

Spring should fly by.

Change is Everywhere

I'm contemplating moving my blog from MS to here.


Honestly, because when I walk thru the cafeteria at school, as I pass by
the row of peeps checking their MS, I cringe.

Beside, its been perhaps 3 or 4 years, in the the new.

For everything.